RisingPachaMama starts in spring 2019 as an ECO- blog. In different events, it became a new field of coming together. We are focusing on becoming a COMMUNITY 🤲 who take care of our MOTHER ❤︎ EARTH. Our ViSiON is to live TOGETHER on a piece of land and CREATE a LIFE independently of the system, on self-sufficiency 🌱 basic. www.risingpachamama.com

In November 2020 we sold our beautiful chai tea in cooperation with LOVE Rolls cacao beans @Maybachufer market Berlin 💛 more about RisingPachaMama you can find on Instagram @risingpachamama

In May 2020 we sold our first tomato & paprika plants @Paul-Linke-Ufer Berlin

In cooperation with La Maison Berlin, we collect the coffee cups & reuse them for the paprika & tomato plants ✨